Tag Archives: South Boston

My Experience of the Power of Kids: Bella Vidaña

22 Apr

In February, I began as a Non-Profit Management Intern for Doc Wayne and was more than pleased to know I would be learning about the behind-the-scenes operations that go on into a non-profit organization, considering it is my dream to one day create my own non-profit organization. I also appreciated Doc Wayne’s impactful work providing sport-based group therapy to at-risk youth and valued the fact that I could contribute to the positive influence Doc Wayne was having on the children and families in our Boston community. Well, at least I thought I knew and appreciated the impact of the organization. ©AD.7679.0141

A few weeks into my internship, my supervisor Rebekah Roulier, asked if I would be interested in helping facilitate their newest Global Life Empowerment (GLE) endeavor, a program in partnership with UNICEF Kid Power, a four-week program where the philosophy and mission is to “Get Active. Save Lives.” Through being active, learning about global issues, and earning Kid Power Points, the youth at Doc Wayne would unlock therapeutic food packets for severely malnourished African children. I was instantly attracted to the concept of Kid Power, especially since I realized the work we would be doing here at Doc Wayne with our kids through this program would be helping kids globally, specifically in Africa. So, I said yes.

It was not until my first GLE session at the Tierney Learning Center in South Boston that I actually understood and saw the powerful impact Doc Wayne had upon their youth participants. Like I said before, I thought I knew. But until I put myself in front of those kids, interacted with them, and learned to appreciate them and all they had to offer the world, and me, I finally “really” knew.


Doc Wayne Associate Director Rebekah Roulier with Kid Power Participant

In the hours that led up to my first GLE session, my nervousness stemmed from the worry that the kids would not connect with me. Considering I have worked with a number of populations in past experiences, including kids, I am not sure why I was feeling this worry. I think it was because I wanted to be the best leader I could be for them. I wanted to be someone they could trust, rely on, and feel comfortable being around. I wanted to be someone they could look up to. That worry went away once I stepped into the building, saw the kids laughing and running around, and realized that this wasn’t about me. It was about them. And then I was okay. I felt content in my ability, and my co-facilitator’s ability (Aymée, a Clinical Game Changer). I was confidant that we would be for them exactly what they needed; adults who believed in them. From that point on, every Thursday for the next four weeks, it worked.


Doc Wayne Clinical Game Changer Aymee Suarez with Kid Power Participant

I have found a specific gratitude towards the GLE program, given that it brought me to the most precious piece of Doc Wayne, the kids. The Global Life Empowerment program “further assists participants in embedding the do the good® curriculum in their lives.” It seeks to empower youth by providing them with service opportunities in order to give back to their community and develop compassion, love and responsibility. Having been involved in many service trips myself, both domestically and internationally; I understand the supremacy of helping and sharing my love with others through service. There is something to be said in the way people, whether young or old, so freely give of themselves solely for the purpose of making others smile. I believe that is the mindset GLE has brought to its youth and I am proud I could both witness and be apart of this “giving” mindset.

Do the good,


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” –Margaret Mead

Olympic Day at Doc Wayne

15 Jun

On Friday, June 12th, Doc Wayne and the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center (South Boston, MA) teamed up to engage local youth in a specially organized Olympic Day Celebration. Olympic Day, celebrated annually in image1June, is a celebration for youth and adults around the world to observe the Olympic values of Fair Play, Perseverance, Respect and Sportsmanship. It is also a day to celebrate the International Olympic Committee’s three Olympic Day pillars: Move, Learn and Discover.

Doc Wayne youth participated in a traditional “torch relay” during the opening ceremony before discussing olympic history. During “the games,” youth participated in both soccer and a home-run derby before closing with snacks and a great discussion about international competition.

One youth shared her dream of being “the next Gabrielle Douglas,” and others shared their interest in becoming Olympians in sports such as basketball, baseball and fencing! Additionally, youth and coaches engaged in a thoughtful discussion over how they would feel competing against athletes from all over the globe, notably; how would they express “good game” to someone who doesn’t speak their language? Youth and coaches also discussed the power of sport and sport’s ability to bring people together.

IMG_1262Finally, the celebration ended with the awarding of Olympic Day Certificates provided by the United States Olympic Committee.

About Doc Wayne:

Doc Wayne (www.docwayne.org) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that connects with youth through sports, utilizing our sports-based therapeutic curriculum, do the good® (DtG). Our mission is to fuse sport and therapy to heal and strengthen youth.

Our program is inspired by the thought that, “sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can. ”  –  Nelson Mandela

For more information on Doc Wayne please email info@docwayne.org or follow us on twitter @DocWayneDtG.

Doc Wayne Youth Give Back this Thanksgiving

4 Dec

Youth participating in Doc Wayne’s Global Life Empowerment (GLE) program (http://docwayne.org/what-we-do/GLE), funded by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, made a positive difference in their community this Thanksgiving.

Cards, crafts, and baked goods were delivered to Marian Manor Nursing Home, Longwood Public Safety, and the Boston Police Department’s C-6 District.  

Youth at South Boston’s Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center (TLC) planned and organized the project with guidance from Jose Sotz (TLC – Program & Technology Coordinator) and Tyler Germond (Doc Wayne Intern & Endicott College Student).

Teens from Calvary Chapel Chelmsford donated homemade baked goods to assist Doc Wayne youth in their efforts.

Tyler Germond & Jose Sotz

Tyler Germond & Jose Sotz

The GLE program seeks to:

  • Empower youth by giving them a voice
  • Provide additional out of the classroom writing and alternative self-expression opportunities
  • Teach self-regulation and social skills
  • Help youth learn to advocate for themselves, their needs, and desires in appropriate ways.
  • Youth work cooperatively, with team members and their coach, to share their responses to suggested changes, lessons learned, and group leadership activities experienced.

For more information about Doc Wayne and the Global Life Empowerment program please visit www.docwayne.org or contact us at info@docwayne.org.

Mural Complete in South Boston

14 Aug

Youth in South Boston were involved in our Global Life Empowerment (GLE) program and together worked on designing and painting a community mural with the theme “There is Unity in the Community!” The mural is complete and images are below.

Doc Wayne volunteer coaches, Jose and Andrew, show off the work of their team of youth.

Doc Wayne volunteer coaches, Jose and Andrew, show off the work of their team of youth.

docwayne logo 2

The GLE program seeks to:

  • Empower youth by giving them a voice
  • Provide additional out of the classroom writing and alternative self-expression opportunities
    Teach self-regulation and social skills
  • Help youth learn to advocate for themselves, their needs, and desires in appropriate ways.
  • Youth work cooperatively, with team members and their coach, to share their responses to suggested changes, lessons learned, and group leadership activities experienced.

For more information about Doc Wayne and the Global Life Empowerment program please visit www.docwayne.org or contact us at info@docwayne.org.

Summer in South Boston

4 Aug

Many exciting things are happening at Doc Wayne’s South Boston site, the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center. In collaboration with the Tierney Learning Center and the Boys and Girls Club of South Boston’s Fun in the Sun camp, youth have continued their progress on their positive paths through Chalk Talk sport-based group therapy this summer.

In celebration of youth success and the one-year anniversary of our partnership, the Tierney Learning Center hosted Doc Wayne Family Night. Families interacted with Doc Wayne coaches while enjoying refreshments, an equipment raffle, and team slide show.


Doc Wayne and Tierney Learning Center staff on Family Night

Doc Wayne and Tierney Learning Center staff on Family Night

Youth involved in Global Life Empowerment (GLE) have been hard at work designing and painting a community mural with the theme “There is Unity in the Community!”

Youth painting GLE mural

Youth painting GLE mural

Work on GLE Mural Begins!

Work on GLE Mural Begins!


For more information on Doc Wayne Youth Services, please contact us at info@docwayne.org and follow us on twitter @DocWayneDtG.


Mayor Walsh re-opens South Boston Playground

5 Jun

photo 1

South Boston residents gathered on a gorgeous May morning to celebrate the re-opening of Sweeney Playground. Mayor Martin J. Walsh and the Boston Parks and Recreation Department hosted the event as part of a series of “Coffee Hours” where local community members have the unique opportunity to speak with Mayor Walsh, one-on-one, about neighborhood needs. Doc Wayne staff were able to chat about their services that are being offered in Metro Boston with members of Mayor Walsh’s team. The feedback received was very positive and encouraging, and opportunities to reach more Boston area youth through Doc Wayne’s Therapeutic Sports Program and Chalk Talk Group Therapy were discussed. Doc Wayne is eager and excited for the opportunity to make a lasting impact in and around Boston. Pictures of the re-opening ceremony and newly constructed playground are below. For more information, please visit http://www.docwayne.org or contact us at info@docwayne.org.


Mayor Walsh's re-opening speech

Mayor Walsh’s re-opening speech

Ribbon cutting with local children!

Ribbon cutting ceremony with local children

Beautiful new basketball court!

Beautiful new basketball court

South Boston Youth Do the Good

20 May

Youth at the Tierney Learning Center at Beacon Communities in South Boston demonstrated that giving back continues after the holiday season. Youth participating in Doc Wayne’s Global Life Empowerment (GLE) program (http://docwayne.org/what-we-do/GLE), funded by the MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, collaborated with the Notre Dame Education Center (NDEC) (http://ndecboston.org) to donate canned goods to families in need. The NDEC is an educational facility that also serves as a counseling and outreach program site. This wonderful act of kindness makes a positive difference in the lives of others and these incredible South Boston youth are an inspiration to do the good! Check out the photo below! For more information, please visit http://www.docwayne.org or email info@docwayne.org.

cropped TLC GLE pic


Doc Wayne Youth Attend Junior Celtics Clinic

27 Jan

Saturday was an exciting day for many Doc Wayne Chalk Talk participants! Thirteen youth from the Tierney Learning Center at The Homes at Old Colony in South Boston had an opportunity to improve their basketball and leadership skills by participating in the Junior Celtics Program—a community outreach initiative presented by New England Baptist Hospital in partnership with the Boston Celtics. Rookie guard Phil Pressey led a skills training session and shared powerful words about hard work, positivity, and motivation. Even Lucky, the Celtics mascot, lent a helping hand by encouraging Doc Wayne’s youth to “Play to the Whistle” (a Doc Wayne curriculum skill) throughout practice. We’re looking forward to tracking the athletic and leadership development of Chalk Talk members participating in the Junior Celtics program over the next four weeks!

Check out photos from the event below!

Lucky with Doc Wayne youth and coaches

Lucky with Doc Wayne youth and coaches

Lucky and Doc Wayne youth

Lucky and Doc Wayne youth

Doc Wayne Executive Director David Cohen and TLC Coach Jose Sotz

Doc Wayne Executive Director David Cohen and TLC Coach Jose Sotz

For more information on Doc Wayne Youth Services please email info@docwayne.org or visit http://www.docwayne.org.

Doc Wayne Launches Chalk Talk in South Boston

23 Aug

This summer has seen an exciting new expansion of Doc Wayne’s sports therapy programming in partnership with the Joseph M. Tierney Learning Center at the Homes at Old Colony in South Boston. Through a collaboration with Boston ASAP, Doc Wayne is providing Chalk Talk group therapy to the youth residents of this community. Intake of participants for this course of treatment began in July and the first official session was successfully conducted on Thursday, August 22rd. Below is Old Colony’s beloved Coach Eddie preparing to help out Doc Wayne clinician and GM Rebekah Roulier in delivering the inaugural Chalk Talk session.

Old Colony's Coach Eddie ready to help out!

Old Colony’s Coach Eddie ready to help out!

Through Boston ASAP, Doc Wayne provides Chalk Talk as a billable, sport-based group therapy program that creates a clinician-guided environment where sport is the lens through which youth examine important social and emotional issues in real-time. The curriculum teaches the principles of do the good ® by both didactic and interactive approaches. In a series of weekly sessions, participants undertake written goal setting and movement-oriented exercises to develop the thoughtfulness, sense of competence, and feeling of effectiveness that are derived from positive sport participation and are essential to social development. Through Boston ASAP, Chalk Talk will be offered statewide.

If you would like more information about Doc Wayne or Chalk Talk, please email us at info@docwayne.org or follow us on twitter @docwayneDtG.